In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

Pulp Consumption: Jules de Grandin

Seabury Quinn’s Jules de Grandin – a racist French Sherlock Holmes living in New Jersey and investigating the occult.

Broadswords and Blasters

51721TMPfuL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Last month Horror on the Links, a collection of Seabury Quinn’s detective stories featuring Jules de Grandin, went on sale on Amazon for an amazingly low price. As a fan of Weird Tales and pulp fiction in general, of course I’d heard of Quinn, but his works are hard to find and have been out of print for awhile. The book starts with a little essay, as most of these collections do, which goes over the history of Quinn’s works and the rationale for why they’ve fallen out of favor while Howard and Lovecraft saw their fame grow. The fact is Quinn was more in demand at the time of the pulp heyday, and more of the magazine covers featured his works than either of his more famous contemporaries.

For those not familiar with the character, as I was not until reading this book, Jules de Grandin is a…

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