In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

Archive for June, 2018

Pulp Consumption: Fletch

If you’ve seen Fletch, but never thought about it in the context of neo-noir pulp, then I urge you to read this, re-watch, and re-consider.

Broadswords and Blasters

Fletch DVD Cover This is the cover on my DVD. The original movie poster is much better.

We talk a lot about movies and tv shows here, and you might think we don’t read much pulp, but we do and are. Both Matt and I recently picked up a collection of Seabury Quinn’s Jules de Grandin stories and I bought a new collection of Hap and Leonard by Joe R. Lansdale (RIP the tv series after three seasons), so we’ll get back to written pulp in a week or two. However, I wanted to explain why so many of the Pulp Appeals and Consumptions seem focused on visual media.[1]

2018-06-22 This is a very young Geena Davis in only her second movie role.

In between the fall of the pulp greats and the rise of new pulp magazines in the last ten years, much of what we would consider to be pulp fiction…

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